Sunday, March 28, 2010

Palm Sunday

Another fun family day with the Robison/Alcorn family out in Pickerington. We joined the family a bit late for the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. It was a damp morning, so we didn't exactly mind not being in the wet grass.

Sebastian had an amazing time with Remy, who is 1 year and 3 weeks older than he is. They were so cute together and shared toys nicely. It is amazing to look at Remy and realize where Sebastian will be in just a year. Babies sure do change quickly!

I was most surprised by how easily Sebastian went to different people in the family. I think he is getting over his "stranger fear" a bit, and was less shy after a few minutes of warming up to people.

In a few weeks Sebastian will be a year old. I can't believe time is flying so quickly!
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