Monday, September 15, 2008

Grammie and Pop-Pop Know- and Advice from Friends

Last night was a big milestone for us. We called Mark's parents and told them our plans. It was nerve wracking! We were excited to tell them, nervous about their reactions, and overwhelmed with the emotions of the situation. We think they were surprised by the news, but sound very excited and supportive. We both know we can't progress without the love and support of everyone in our families to make this happen.

We spent the earlier part of the evening with our friends Ray and Matt. They adopted two children (Jenny and Aaron) a few years ago. We saw them when the kids arrived, but it was great to see them in their home and in their 'natural habitat' as it were. Ray and Matt gave us some great advice and helped us solidify our desire to do this. Having a family is what we really want in our lives. That we know!

OH! We went to Babies 'R Us today-- talk about overwhelmed. We have certainly opened the door to a whole new world!

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