OK first of all, I did NOT encourage my son to clean with me, but what can I say... the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He grabbed this brush and started cleaning the walls and furniture the other day while I was sweeping the floors. I can't wait until he gets the hang of it and I can give him chores. Did I say that? :-)
The second picture is of a new car we bought him to ride around on the sidewalk. The nice thing about it is its handle that is "Daddy height" and unlike the other car he as we can steer him despite the direction he turns the steering wheel. The other cars are small enough he can ride on them by himself. This new one has a removable floor so he can ride in it when he is bigger too, and use his feet to move himself along.
Today we tried one later nap rather than an early and a late. What a disaster. He cried through lunch and ended up taking a nap at 1 and again at 4:00. Who knows what time he will go to bed.
It is sad to see Summer 2010 go away, we didn't even get to see the beach this year. Three weeks from now we'll be at Disney and I bet that more than makes up for it. Here's to a great Fall!
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