Last night Todd and I decided to venture out for the night and have an early dinner and a movie with our friends Jon and Ernie. Our good friend Julie came over around 5:30 to babysit and get a little "baby lovin" time for herself. Lately Sebastian is taking a late afternoon nap before dinner, so we let him nap with Julie, and we left the house. Julie was all ready to give him dinner, play a lttle and put him down for the night by 8.
We went to dinner, had a great meal, and headed to the movie theater. We had our tickets, a bag of popcorn and a drink all ready to go, and I received a text... Sebastian woke up from his nap and had been screaming and hysterical since then. He refused to eat his dinner or take his evening bottle. When I called I could hear that he was far beyond the "point-of-no-return" and I was going to have to go home.
I managed to get home in 15 minutes. Shortly after getting home I managed to get him calm enough to sit in his highchair and eat his dinner, now 90 minutes late or more. I held him a little longer, soothed him and got him down. He fell asleep immediately and slept until 7:15 this morning. All that crying had really worn him out.
I guess we learned a lesson today- he can't wake up with a stranger, and that we probably need to do a better job of having other people around more often. Poor Julie was beside herself as well. I can't imagine how worried she was after almost an hour of screaming. I would have lost it and he is my baby!
For what its worth, "A Single Man" is apparently a great movie according to Todd, Jon and Ernie. I caught the end and liked it, I hope to see the beginning sometime!
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