Well, we made it through our Christmas vacation. Overall, Sebastian did very well. Our flight out and back were rather uneventful, though he didn't like being confined for a whole hour. Then again, I don't care for it either! He did a great job at my parent's house, despite the shared sleeping quarters with us, and his very first tooth coming in. We started most mornings very early, and luckily could get him downstairs to the basement rather quickly and keep the sleep deprivation down to a minimum.
My mom and dad got lots of baby time in, they really enjoyed playing with Sebastian, and him with them. My dad had Sebastian giggling all the time, and Sebastian loved playing with his Grammie, mostly because he wanted to pull her hair. We also got a few visits in with my brother's family, and Sebastian got to play with his cousin Amalia. She has really grown up quickly since the last time we saw her back in the summer. It's times like this that make me really wish we were closer to them all. Sebastian also got to finally meet my brother Matt and his girlfriend Saana for the first time.
Our trip was topped off with a chance to visit my cousin Bobbi Jo and her girls (all 5 of them!) and a night out with some old friends from high school. We certainly squeezed a lot into a few days. I do have to say that traveling with an 8 month old is quite a pain especially with the weather causing extra burdens for coats, scarves, gloves, hats... ugh.
Now we're back home and Sebastian is happier than a pig in "you-know-what." He seems to have really missed his toys and the cats. He managed to sleep rather well last night as well, even with the teething causing him some discomfort. In all, Christmas 2009 was a great success.
The picture in this post is the result of a family photo shoot we did on Sunday. I will post the link to the Picasa online album once I get it cleaned up and ready for viewing.
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