Sebastian had his first organ lesson from his Grandma Felumlee on Saturday, October 2. While he loved banging on the keyboard and hearing the noise, the organ was turned up pretty loud and he scared himself once or twice. We actually noticed that he really does love music, and "sings" along in the car when we have the radio or a CD playing (when he is not sleeping that is). Time will tell if this is just playtime fun or if he really does have an interest in music.
Sebastian is sleeping much longer during the night. Though we have our occasional early AM wake ups, they are fewer and less intense. Usually all it takes is finding his pacifier and he is back to sleep. The other night he found it himself. That was pretty cool! His crawling is getting better and better too. He is still scooting and rolling more than crawling, but he can cover a lot of ground, especially if you turn your back on him for even the shortest moment.
I am on jury duty this week, and I was gone from 9 AM to 5:30 PM yesterday. It was the first time in quite a while that I wasn't home all day. I can't imagine having to do that every day. He was napping when I got home, I couldn't wait to get my hands on him thought. He finally woke up and I got to play with him, read him a book, give him a bath and put him to bed. I let Todd relax since he was "on duty" solo all day. I think he appreciated it. I realize that millions of parents are away from their kids all the time, but it was just a bit of a reality check I guess. We have 2 more weeks of this to look forward managing. I am already looking forward to my one-on-one time tonight.
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