Just a quick blog posting to say hello to anyone reading this. The last few weeks have been so busy I haven't really taken much time to write. Sebastian continues to thrive, grow and utterly change before our eyes. Lately he is really into SCREAMING as loud as he can, we think just to see how loud he can be. He does it then laughs outloud especially if we talk back to him.
His playtime is getting more active, and he is sleeping a little less during the day. He still sleeps pretty well at night, aside from the occasional waking up in the middle of the night. Nothing a quick pacifier placement can't fix. Once he gets it he is back to sleep in seconds.
We are gearing up for our family vacation to the beach. It sounds like a great idea, but suddenly I am faced with all of the things we will need to pack, plan for and deal with to be gone for a week. YIKES! I hope I don't become an insane parent over this trip! Todd will likely keep me in line, I am sure.
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