Monday, August 31, 2009

Short Visit, Big Fun

My parents are on their way to Bowling Green, KY on the Corvette Caravan 2009 and they stopped here on their way. Their friends Max and Larry Uhlig were with them. We had a nice lunch together before they got back on the road. Sebastian had a nice visit with his Grammie and Pop Pop, and he got the cutest Corvette onsie!
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Friday, August 21, 2009


OK we might want to just sell the house and move to the zoo, we've been so many times. We certainly have gotten our money's worth with our membership that's for sure.

How about Sebastian being so observant and really taking things in this time! He spent most of the time in his stroller again, and remained awake for the better part of the trip. It was a hot day and all four (our niece Kirsten was with us too) of us were ready to go after just a few hours. We managed to see even more areas that we hadn't covered yet.

Today is Sebastian's 4 month "birthday." I can't believe my little guy is that old already. We started giving him a teaspoon of rice twice a day, he loves it. I can tell eating is not going to be a problem for this child.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Just a quick blog posting to say hello to anyone reading this. The last few weeks have been so busy I haven't really taken much time to write. Sebastian continues to thrive, grow and utterly change before our eyes. Lately he is really into SCREAMING as loud as he can, we think just to see how loud he can be. He does it then laughs outloud especially if we talk back to him.

His playtime is getting more active, and he is sleeping a little less during the day. He still sleeps pretty well at night, aside from the occasional waking up in the middle of the night. Nothing a quick pacifier placement can't fix. Once he gets it he is back to sleep in seconds.

We are gearing up for our family vacation to the beach. It sounds like a great idea, but suddenly I am faced with all of the things we will need to pack, plan for and deal with to be gone for a week. YIKES! I hope I don't become an insane parent over this trip! Todd will likely keep me in line, I am sure.
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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Another Visit

This weekend my friend Chris visited from NJ. Chris and I met freshmen year in science class, and were insepareable best friends from day one. She came for a short but very fun stay, and we had a great time catching up. Thanks Facebook for helping us stay connected! She loved Sebastian (of course, who doesn't) and he sure loved her!
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