Well, even though I "worked" on Tuesday, 4/28 I officially returned to work yesterday, 5/5/2009. It was weird in a few ways, for example, Todd was home and will be every day, and Sebastian was of course here as well. I had meetings throughout the day, and though I could hear him crying I stayed in the office and let Todd handle the situation. They were just fine, and I was able to come out of the office for lunch and between meetings and hold him and hang out before heading back into the office.
Shannon, our social worker, paid a visit on Tuesday afternoon. She was very pleased with how things are going and loved seeing Sebastian in his new home. We had a great visit, and she plans another the first week of June. After that we have our interlockatory hearing on June 12.
Sebastian's new nicknames this week are "Chugger" and "Super Soaker." Both are related to each other, sort of a cause-and-effect relatiobship. Good thing we are using cloth diapers, we'd be spending all of our money on Pampers otherwise! Yes... CLOTH DIAPERS! If you have any questions about that email us. I am a HUGE fan of the cloth diaper and I am super glad we are using them. We put him in dispsables for the pictures on Monday and I didn't like them at all! You can also visit the "Diaper Pin" website, it is full of information about cloth diapering. I will say this, there are a lot of options out there, you have to weigh the choices and pick one that works for you. We use "prefolds" and love them, but when he grows out of them we will likely go to a "one size" diaper like GroBaby or Bum Genius.
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