Britnei had the first of her now bi-weekly OB appointments this week. See most recent ultrasound posted here as well. It sure is different from the peanut shaped blob we saw so long ago. He has her nose we can tell. It sure is cute! Todd went with her since Mark had to go to New York for work. Britnei and "Pickle" are doing really well, her BP, glucose, and other levels are all looking good. Her ankles are swollen but that is to be expected and the stairs at school are getting rough for her but she is really doing well overall. She is preoccupied with her upcoming 18th birthday. Dinner at House of Japan is the plan, and oddly enough childbirth classes the next day. We will be present for both. She is getting a bit moody about this stuff, she keep asking why she needs to go to the doctor so often and complains about having to talk to the nurses or social worker. Not sure what to tell her, it is part of the process.
We had great news from the attorney today. The legal process should be pretty painless for us, and based on a meeting she had with the new Probate Court judge. His statement to her: "Alternative families will not have any problems adopting as long as I hold this seat." She submitted 2 gay couples in the last 3 weeks and had no issues at all. Good to hear but sad that we have to worry about things like this.
So, here is the plan:
- Finalize our pre-placement application
- County contacts us and holds the first of 3 visits
- County does background checks
- County meets with Britnei
- County approves us for placement (we certainly hope)
- Pickle is born (YEAH!!!)
- Mark and Todd take Pickle home under "babysitting agreement"
- 3 days after birth Britnei signs over custody
- 6 months later adoption is finalized by county court
- Todd applies to be co-parent
Not to oversimplify this or sound overly confident but this seems to be going very well for us, and we know that there are still warning spots, pitfalls and disappointments that can happen. We are staying postive and focused on this and making our dream of being a family come true.
We did experience our first "Oh, we can't do that we will have the baby" moment. Etta James is coming to Columbus, we both ADORE her and seeing her live would be amazing. The concert is May 2... hey she was on "Austin City Limits" recently we can just watch a re-run and be happy at home with our son. It's a much better way to spend a night! Ask us how we feel after 6 months or 6 years. By then getting a sitter for a night won't be a big deal. Two weeks, we want to be by his side.
That's all for now... more in 2 weeks or so after the next appointment or blog-worthy event.
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