Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Late January Ob/Gyn Update

Hey everyone! Todd and I are back from our vacation to Disney. What a trip, with the cold snap in Orlando it felt like we were back home in Ohio. Then again it was certainly a lot colder at home than in Florida. We are now dealing with back to back snow storms. UGH.
While we were gone Britnei had a little scare and had to go to L&D at the hospital to be checked. It turns out she was dehydrated, and that caused some cervical stress. We keep reminding her to drink more water but you know how well that is going.
Today's appointment went well. She had a glucosa test, and received a RhoGAM shot since she is RH negative. We will start going to the doctor every 2 weeks now, not monthly. Next appointment is 2/10.
Todd and I have CPR training on Saturday, and we recently signed everyone (Todd, Julie, Britnei and Mark) for child birth training on February 28. It is an all day event, sounds intense. I sure hope Britnei is ready for this!
That's all for now...

Oh for anyone keeping track we are 87 days to the due date. :-)

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