An update on Britnei's first appointment with the OB/GYN, from Julie. By the way the attorney that the doctor recommended is the one we have already contacted! Talk about coincidence!
Britnei's appointment went well. The mobile unit is pretty cool - it's an office inside of something that looks like a semi-tractor-trailer. We met with the Dietitian first thing. She wants to make sure Britnei stays within 25-35 pounds of gaining weight. Lorin, the nurse took her vitals and her blood pressure and heart rate are of normal range. Dr. Michelle Morris came in and did the ultra-sound and we saw Pickle as a little sack within a sack and then she was able to zoom in and we saw the heart beat. It was really cool to see Pickle. She said 'all is healthy'. The ultra sound put Britnei at 7 weeks, 4 days so the due date is 04/24/2009. Dr. Morris then did a pap test and then Lorin came back in and took blood. Unfortunately, Britnei doesn't not do well with them taking blood so she felt nauseous. We then met with the social worker and everything on that avenue is fine. We got her a prescription for her prenatal vitamins that she'll only have to take once a day, preferably in the evening before bed.
Her next appointment is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 7th. They will pick her up at home and take her to the mobile unit that will be at Brookhaven High School. They will take her to school thereafter. I asked if either one of you can come to any of the appointments and they said that one person can meet Britnei there at the mobile unit. They will listen for Pickle's heartbeat at the next appointment and all of them going forward. I do not need to be there, but will only go if either the two of you cannot make it. Let me know what you decide - Britnei does want someone there with her.
As far as the ultra sound - the only one they plan on performing is the one today. I have the pictures, but it's too dark to scan to send over (already tried). I will make sure that they are safe until we see each other again. So - Todd - you get your wish in not knowing what the gender is because, as Lorin put it, 'we won't do a peeksy just to see the gender of the child'. I, of course, promote that but it will be a challenge for the baby's room (I sense a Disney theme going on possibly).
The staff has been told about the two of you. Dr. Morris - since she adopted two of her five children - asked if we had an attorney. I told her that the two of you were seeking out referrals so she also gave me an attorney name - Thomas Taneff. She said he's been an adoption attorney for 20 years and was his attorney.
I think that's it. If I left anything out, I'll let you know but I'm pretty sure I captured everything.
One step closer.
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