I feel like the world's worst blogger. I haven't updated the site in a while it seems. Maybe it isn't as bad as I think. Let's hope...
Sebastian continues to be the best baby ever. He is sleeping like a champ, eating very well and is just all-around happy. We have gotten into some bad habits, however, like letting him nap during the day ON one of us, not in his crib. Today we wrapped him in his swaddler, laid him down and he went right to sleep. I fully realize we are VERY lucky and that not all babies are quite that easy so I am THANKFUL that he is so good. We are on a great schedule (6-10-2) and he sleeps from 11 PM to 6 AM every day.
This past weekend we took him to Picnic with the Pops and saw Marvin Hamlisch and Linda Eder. He was SO good. People kept coming up and saying what a good baby we have. DUH. We sat on the blanket and listened to music and had a little light dinner. He started to fall asleep as the show was ending, we quickly packed up and went home. It worked out quite well.
We also went to dinner at our friends' home on Friday night. Both nights we got home a little late, he was already alseep in the car seat. Todd took him out of the car seat, wrapped him up and he went right to bed. I know, for those of you that have fussy babies (or worse...colic) I AM SORRY!