Today we went to see Dr. Lee for the first time. Sebastian was up around 6, so we thought a 9:30 appointment was going to be good. Well... we checked into the main desk around 9:15. He decided it was time to eat, and boy was he hungry. We managed to get a bottle put together and into him pretty quickly. That bought us some time. We went to the exam room where he was weighed and measured. He has managed to gain 11 oz and grew an inch in the last week. He is up to 10 lbs and 20.5 inches! What a big boy! When we undressed him to be weighed and measured he of course had a dirty diaper. As soon as the nurse was finished with him we had to change him...
Dr. Lee came in and checked him over from head to toe. Everything is looking great, and Sebastian is thriving. We will see Dr. Lee again in a month. Until then we are all clear for regular baths, and being outside is fine but we are going to restrict the number of people that are too close and handling him for a while longer.
Our latest thing at home is the baby carrier. We strap him into the harness and carry him around on our chests for hours at a time. It serves several purposes actually. First, we get to keep him close while he naps. He seems to like the warmth of our bodies, the beating of our hearts, and the motion as we move around. Second, we have both hands free while he is on us, in fact he is on me right now as I type. I can get things done like fold laundry, make bottles or blog while he hangs out. It is a lot of fun.
When he is awake and not strapped to us we like to be on the activity mat, sometimes on his tummy and sometimes on his back. He also seems to really like music, we play music in his room, and in the car when we are out and about.
That's all for today, remember if you want to see pictures of him visit our Picasa site by clicking here.